Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Kukri, the Most Perfect Cutter

Kukri is a blade comes from Nepal or exactly it is the symbol of Nepal, as we can see, this blade is used for close combat, we can use it by slashing, chopping, stab, and rarely use it by throwing it.

The blade's distinctive forward drop is intended to act as a weight on the end of the blade and make the Kukri fall on the target faster and with more power.

It's heavy blade can cause deep wound, and even can cut through muscle and bone. But in Nepal, this blade is used for cutting wood, clearing, animal skinning, cutting vegetables, and many others.

If you want, why not ask your mother use this blade to cut vegetables, it will cut vegetables easily, and ofc must be very careful or else she will cut her finger, hahaha. Nah this blade may not use for kitchen, this blade is mainly used for military. Want to try it? just try it on games, cuz it more fun killing people on games than real, wakwkak (i mean playing PB lol).

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